That is expected. Showcase 3.0 is NOT XF 2.1 ready, so things like menus in XF2.1 that are expecting FA 5 ICONS will be empty when a FA 4.3 ICON is being used. This applies to ALL XF2 addons that are using FA 4.3 ICONs (which is what is required for XF 2.0).
Showcase 3.1 will be XF 2.1 compatible.
Thanks Bob, I wish 3.1 will no take long time to be released
We were not able to upgrade from xf1.5 to xf2.0 until Showcase 3 released, now we are preparing to upgrade direct from xf1.5 to xf2.1 to save time and resources, but again we have to wait Showcase 3.1
- Is there any expected time for SC3.1? will it be in Q1 2019?
- Any plan to upgrade this forum ( to XF2?

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