You keep using the term Notify/notification, which is a term that is used when talking about XenForo Notification System, which is use for sending alerts/emails to members that are watching content.
the entire memberbase is notified
There are no functions in AMS that sends notifications to the entire member base. Notifications are only sent to members watching content (in a new article case, only members watching the category that the new article is being posted in).
The TERM "Notify" is part of the XenForo Notification Handler, which is used to send XenForo Alerts (via the XF Alert Handler System) and emails.
AMS implements notifiers that send out alerts and emails to those WATCHING content (Watched Categories, Watched Authors and Watched Articles).
The Article Create Service has a function that sends notifications (alerts and emails) to members who are watching the Category that the Article is created in. It does NOT send Notifications (alerts and emails) to anyone that is NOT watching the Category that the Article is created in.
It kinda sounds like you are talking about the XenForo Find New System / Read Marking System eg "New posts", "New articles" etc etc etc. Notifications are not part of the XenForo Find New System / Read Marking System.
Maybe, what you are asking is to mark the Article as updated when a new PAGE is added, so that the Article shows up in the Find New System as Unread (in the same way that editing an article and choosing the UPDATE option, will mark the article as UNREAD as part of the Find New system.
Notifications = alerts and emails.
Find New = New/Unread.
Maybe tell me what you mean by "Notify all members". What is the actual NOTIFICATION that you are talking about?