This has been implemented in CAS 2.3.6.
This works the same exact way as eBay's "left for others" feature works, except it has more filter options than eBay does.
There is a new Navigation Element added to the "Your content" dropdown titled "Your feedback left for others". Clicking on this takes you to the new "Your feedback left for others" page.
There is also a quick link on the feedback summary that takes the viewing user to the new "Feedback left for others" page.
In this shot, the viewing user is viewing their own Feedback Profile, so clicking the Left for others, will take them to the "Your feedback left for others" page.
In this shot, the viewing user is another members Feedback Profile, so clicking the Left for others, will take them to the "Feedback by [username] left for others" page.
In this shot, the viewing user is viewing their own feedback profile "Your feedback left for others". This is a paginated and filterable listing of feedback that Admin left for others.
In this shot, the viewing user (Mr Tester) is viewing another members feedback profile (Admin), "Feedback by Admin left for others". This is a paginated and filterable listing of feedback that Admin left for others.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Does what its designed to do, nothing more, nothing less