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XenForo Version String: XenForo 2.1.0 Beta 5
Addon Version String: AMS 2.0.0
Stack Trace: N/A
Can you reproduce it here? No
Must be able to reproduce on the Default XenForo Style.
FontAwesome of the newspaper isn't showing next to AMS in the admin control panel.
This is being used (FA v4.2):
This will solve the problem (FA v5):
For those with OCD like me, until fixed, here's a workaround:
In the admin CP, Go to Addons > Click the settings button for AMS > Rebuild > Agree to the warnings > Click rebuild. You will now have a newspaper icon next to the AWS menu in the Admin CP.
Addon Version String: AMS 2.0.0
Stack Trace: N/A
Can you reproduce it here? No
Must be able to reproduce on the Default XenForo Style.
FontAwesome of the newspaper isn't showing next to AMS in the admin control panel.
This is being used (FA v4.2):
fa--xf far fa-newspaper-o fa-fw
This will solve the problem (FA v5):
fa--xf far fa-newspaper fa-fw
For those with OCD like me, until fixed, here's a workaround:
cd /src/addons/XenAddons/AMS/_data
cp admin_navigation.xml admin_navigation.xml-backup
Infa--xf far fa-newspaper-o fa-fw
Replace with:admin_navigation.xml
fa--xf far fa-newspaper fa-fw
In the admin CP, Go to Addons > Click the settings button for AMS > Rebuild > Agree to the warnings > Click rebuild. You will now have a newspaper icon next to the AWS menu in the Admin CP.