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Implemented Tooltip event descriptions


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When viewing an event list (eg. /sportsbook/?type=open ) we do not see the event description anywhere. I think the ideal placement would be as a tooltip when hovering over the event name, identically to the way XF does it when getting the tooltip description for a forum node and thread.
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Im 50/50 on that. Its between that and like the threads list doing a "preview" that would have data about the event (to include the description). There will be "something" and it will include the description tho.
Im opening this one up for discussion to see what others think/want

Personally, instead of a tool tip, I'd rather doing it like the thread preview so that more detailed information could be displayed.
Personally, instead of a tool tip, I'd rather doing it like the thread preview so that more detailed information could be displayed.

Sounds good, yes please :)
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