I'm making an addon which requires the use of some showcase thumbnails. I'm a novice coder so I'm learning as I go along
I've managed to get things like the showcase title, username etc.. by using a MySQL query:
I can then construct links to the URL by using something like /showcase/$showcaseID which redirects to the correct URL.
However, I can't seem to fetch the thumbnail URL as a variable. I saw that XF has this bit of code available, but I'm not sure how I can use it to fetch the showcase thumbnail:
I know this is beyond normal support, but if anyone has an idea how I can access a thumbnail URL when I've got a item_ID and cover_image_ID for a showcase entry then I would be very grateful.

I've managed to get things like the showcase title, username etc.. by using a MySQL query:
$showcaseInfo = $db->fetchAll("
SELECT item_id, username, item_name, description
FROM xf_nflj_showcase_item
WHERE item_id IN (".$ShowcaseIDs.")
I can then construct links to the URL by using something like /showcase/$showcaseID which redirects to the correct URL.
However, I can't seem to fetch the thumbnail URL as a variable. I saw that XF has this bit of code available, but I'm not sure how I can use it to fetch the showcase thumbnail:
I know this is beyond normal support, but if anyone has an idea how I can access a thumbnail URL when I've got a item_ID and cover_image_ID for a showcase entry then I would be very grateful.