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Implemented Style properties group - AMS: Appearance


Staff member
As per title, I've added a new Style properties group titled "AMS: Appearance", in which there are style properties to control the appearance of specific elements within MAS Layout Types (List View, Grid View and Article) as well as Carousel Elements (2 groups, Featured Carousel and Articles Carousel).



Here are some of the style properties that you will be able to control (on a per style basis). Mainly just the ability to enable the elements that you want. This gives you much more control on what data is displayed without having to edit template. For example, some people don't want the Article preview snippet to display... now you can just disable it instead of template modification.

Note: Some of these elements are NEW (like displaying reaction score for example).


You'll notice that article view elements are different than List View and Grid view above, that is because the Layout Type design is much different and things like the Cover Image for Article View layout can be disabled, where as Grid View, its essential. Also the ORDER of the elements is a bit different and there are some additional elements (tags, view article button) that are not on List View and Grid view.


These options apply to the 2 kinds of carousels (Featured and Articles).

"Featured" applies to AMS Index, AMS Category Pages and Widgets created via the AMS: Featured Articles widget definition with the display style of "FULL - Carousel"

"Articles" applies only to Widgets created via the AMS: Latest Articles widget definition with the display style of "FULL - Carousel"

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