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Resolved Some questions about some phrases

Old Nick

AMS Premium
CAS Premium
LD Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
XenForo Version String: XenForo 2.2.11

Addon Version String: AMS 2.2.20 (Version ID: 2020770)

Stack Trace: N/A

Can you reproduce it here? No


Those two titles xa_ams_last_article_date and xa_ams_last_part_date have the same master value : Last article date


Those two title xa_ams_others_articles and xa_ams_others_series have those masters values : Other's articles and Other's series

But this title xa_ams_others_pages havie this master value : Others pages

Which grammatical form is correct ?
  • Other's
  • Others
Or are they phrases in a different context ?

Thank you.
Those two titles xa_ams_last_article_date and xa_ams_last_part_date have the same master value : Last article date
Those are two different phrases for two different purposes. Over the past 11 years, I have been asked by 1000's of license holders to create multiple versions of some phrases for Translation purposes. This is one of those cases. The ENGLISH language is the same for these 2 phrases, however, other languages (like German) needs two different translations as one pertains to the last article in a category and the other in a Series, which needs two different translations.

You are also going to find several EMPTY phrases as well, again, requests by license holders that have a NEED for a Phrase to explain something in detail, where as from the Core Addon aspect, I have no need to have phrase text for that specific input (example, explain text on form inputs).

Those two title xa_ams_others_articles and xa_ams_others_series have those masters values : Other's articles and Other's series

But this title xa_ams_others_pages havie this master value : Others pages

Which grammatical form is correct ?
  • Other's
  • Others
Or are they phrases in a different context ?
XenForo uses Others and others so I will update any cases of Other's and other's to Others and others (2 in AMS, 1 in Showcase, 3 in UBS). All other phrases in all my addons already are using Others or others.
Thanks for the reply. I understand.

Otherwise, i think i've already talked about the word Series which is Série in french. It's really difficult to know when you use Series as a singular word or as a plural word, because in both case there is a S at the end... :)

Ok for this one xa_ams_series_plural but there is soooo many others ! It's hell, really !
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example, this one : xa_ams_series_watched is Series watched in English but it is Séries suivies or Série suivie ?

Very complicated... damn french !!
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