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Sidebars not showing; Top row of showcase "most recent"


New Member
AMS Premium
UBS Premium

I updated to Showcase 1.2 today. The options for the forum home are set as follows:

Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 5.54.48 PM.png

However, the 25% for showcaseItem cannot be changed to 33% or else the page loading a particular gallery is messed up.

.showcaseItem {
    float: left;
    min-width: 170px;
    width: 25%;
This is how it looks without any changes to the css.
Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 5.58.24 PM.png

Any thoughts on how to get this to look better?

A link to the live site: http://www.tuxreportsnetwork.com/community/

Forum List Nodes Tabs is installed and conflicts in a few other areas, too. So maybe that gives a clue.
Thank you!
That template has its OWN CSS file that you can edit and modify directly without effecting other CSS Templates. simply edit: nflj_showcase_node_list_items.css and change 25% to 33%. You can't do it with EXTRA.css as that class is used in other CSS templates. I MAY change some class names in the next major build of showcase so you can do pretty much everything in EXTRA.css, but felt that giving finer control via their own individual CSS Templates was better for advanced customization.
That template has its OWN CSS file that you can edit and modify directly without effecting other CSS Templates. simply edit: nflj_showcase_node_list_items.css and change 25% to 33%.

Bob ! You are a champion. Thank you. The edit worked wonders.

Now I just need to figure out why the sidebars are not showing.
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As far as the Sidebar goes... its driven off the template hook 'forum_list_sidebar' and specifically uses the sub hook <!-- end block: sidebar_online_users --> If your block has been modified and either hook removed, it won't work.
an easy way to check is to edit the template sidebar_online_users and check the very last line of that template.. it should have this: <!-- end block: sidebar_online_users -->

That isn't just some random comment, that is a core xenforo subhook.
Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 6.42.49 PM.png

The template subhook is present. Just to check, I disabled the Forum List Tabs and the sidebars still do not show up.
AH HA !!!!

I found the conflict. It was too obvious. [bd] widget framework was disabled and your sidebars showed. ... Now I cannot recall why that add-on is installed. :)