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Sidebar right?


From many wordpress-pages people are used to have the sidebar at the right site of the screen.
I have not watched any css closer in xf2, but looks much more complicated than in xf1.

Is it hard to change the side of the sidebar?
Is it a problem then to have the cats like now in responsive view?

(The old system to have cats under the content in xf1 was very often no good idea)
In XF1, you can use CSS to display the sidebar on the left vs the right.

In XF2, there is a SideNav on the left and a SideBar on the right. You can't use CSS to move the Sidebar from the Right to the Left, nor can you use CSS to move the SideNav from the left to the right. If a page is using a sidenav and you'd rather use a sidebar, you'd need to edit the template and change the XF template helper from <xf:sidenav> to <xf:sidebar> (and vice versa). You can use both the sidenav and sidebar at the same time.