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Showcase Tab ID


New Member
AMS Premium
I am trying to make a notice that only appears on the showcase main page but I can't seem to figure out the nav tab id. Any help would be appreciated.

The Navigation Tab ID? if so, it uses the base route 'showcase' (without the ' marks that is). That won't limit it to showcase home tho. That would make it display on ALL showcase pages.

If you want something just on Showcase HOME, you need to use one of the other 3 types (Controller and Action is, View Class is or Content Template is).

Controller and Action is:
Controller Name: NFLJ_Showcase_ControllerPublic_Showcase
Controller Action: Index


View Class is: NFLJ_Showcase_ViewPublic_Index_View


Content Template is: nflj_showcase_index
I decided against using notices and instead using the widget frameworks advanced html template option. I was wondering if there is a hook that is in showcase that I can refer to or how could I create a hook in the showcase_index template?
I decided against using notices and instead using the widget frameworks advanced html template option. I was wondering if there is a hook that is in showcase that I can refer to or how could I create a hook in the showcase_index template?

You CAN use existing hooks, however, I highly recommend that you don't do that. Its best to add your OWN custom hooks so that you can place them exactly where you want and you know that they are only being used for your own purposes.

The syntax of a hook (for your use case) is this: <xen:hook name="mason_custom_showcase_hook1" />