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Implemented Showcase Item route/URL get rid of -item in route


Staff member
ok, this is the most popular private/public request I keep getting over and over and over, so after much personal debate, I've decided to change how the ROUTE/URL works for ITEMS and Items only. Other routes for Categories, Members, Attachments, Reviews and Comments and what will be staying the same (as they have too).

What this will effect? It will effect URLs to all your items which currently use the route 'showcase-item'. The new URLs will use the route 'showcase' instead. This is similar to how its done for the Resource Manager (which is why I keep getting asked to change it to).

OLD URL = domain.ext/showcase-item/a-really-special-item.24/
NEW URL = domain.ext/showcase/a-really-special-item.24/

No changes to the following public routes:
showcase-review (future route)

Small side effects: once you upgrade, you will need to force search engines to reindex your showcase to index the new URLs for your items.

I am going forward with this UNLESS I get a MAJORITY of opposition to keep it the way it is.
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In case anyone is wondering about Items that are currently indexed in search engines, I plan on leaving the route showcase-item in place for awhile and then doing a responseReroute to handle those old URLs until the search engines pick up all the new URLs to your items.
Good plan. I'd love to see this happen soon, hopefully before I make my showcase public on 1/17.
Good plan. I'd love to see this happen soon, hopefully before I make my showcase public on 1/17.

ya, I want to get this switched ASAP unless there are a bunch of people opposed. So far nobody is opposed.
Thanks for the opportunity to give feedback. No opposition from me, sounds great.

In case anyone is wondering about Items that are currently indexed in search engines, I plan on leaving the route showcase-item in place for awhile and then doing a responseReroute to handle those old URLs until the search engines pick up all the new URLs to your items.

Hopefully the responseReroute implements a 301 redirect ?? This is the fastest and best proactive method for informing GoogleBot (and other spiders) of a permanent URL change.
Sounds fine to me, long the responseReroute works fine. Better to get this edit done with now at this stage before more people get hold of the add-on with bigger lists of items.
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Sounds fine to me, long the responseReroute works fine. Better to get this edit done with now at this stage before more people get hold of the add-on with bigger lists of items.

ya, reroutes work perfectly as designed (its a core xenforo controller function).

exactly, which is why I am wanting to push this particular one out fast. I understand why some people want it and have no problem changing it, just wanted to make sure those that have had it for awhile are OK with the change before forcing it on everyone.

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