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Resolved Shortcode not displaying on 2.3.2?


AMS Premium
LD Premium
UBS Premium
Using UBS 2.3.1
For some reason, while using BBCode Pages, the shortcode stopped working once 2.3 released? It worked fine on 2.2. The blog is set to public viewable. I have not set it to be private.


I have double checked the shortcode on the widget on the sidebar, it is correct:
Did you look to see if the UBS BBCode is still enabled? If the UBS BBCode is disabled, it will not render anywhere.

Admin CP >> Content >> BB Code >> Custom BB codes >>


If it is disabled, enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If is is enabled, disable it, then re-enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If it is now working in the Post, then go to your Custom BBCode Page and see if its working there (since it wasn't working anywhere, it should be working now).
Works just fine for me..

Just created a new thread and here I am creating a post in that thread using the legacy (no longer supported) UBS BBCode.


And here you can see that it resolves as designed...


Lets edit the post and you can see that the post is nothing but the old legacy UBS BBCode...


Also tested to see if it is resolving in other content types like AMS Article, AMS Article Page, Series, Comments, Reviews etc and its still working as designed.

Keep in mind, the old [Addon] BBCode is no longer supported due to implementing the new EMBED BBCode. The old legacy bbcode has (just now) been removed from the sidebar block to discourage people from using that (even tho it still works for legacy resolver purposes).

At some point (probably only if XFMG does it), all of the old legacy BBCodes will be converted to the new Embed BBCode. That is't neccessary tho as the old bbcodes resolve just fine (where they are designed to resolve).

while using BBCode Pages
btw, I have NO IDEA what this is. The Core XF Pages system is based on HTML (BBCode is not supported).

Anyway... the UBS BBCodes still work as designed on XF 2.3 (as do the XFMG legacy Media BBCodes). XF 2.3 didn't make any changes that would affect those legacy BBCodes. Could be something that changed in the XF 2.3 version of that "BBCode pages" addon.

You could try and just paste the LINK to the blog and if that addon supports the new embed resolver, it should render as the new Embed BBCode vs just a link (if its just a link, that BBCode pages doesn't support the new Embed resolver).
Can you try using the old legacy UBS BBCode in actual content types (like create a test thread and then create a post using the legacy UBS BBcode). If it doesn't resolve in a post in a thread, that means there is something else at play here on your site.
Can you try using the old legacy UBS BBCode in actual content types (like create a test thread and then create a post using the legacy UBS BBcode). If it doesn't resolve in a post in a thread, that means there is something else at play here on your site.
No go. Tried in a event thread (regular thread with andy's calendar addon), and didn't render when I hit submit.

Main blog page (on subdomain currently):

Entry page:

Guess it may be the bbcode pages addon, but it is up-to-date on my end. No errors show in ACP.
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Did you look to see if the UBS BBCode is still enabled? If the UBS BBCode is disabled, it will not render anywhere.

Admin CP >> Content >> BB Code >> Custom BB codes >>


If it is disabled, enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If is is enabled, disable it, then re-enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If it is now working in the Post, then go to your Custom BBCode Page and see if its working there (since it wasn't working anywhere, it should be working now).
Did you look to see if the UBS BBCode is still enabled? If the UBS BBCode is disabled, it will not render anywhere.

Admin CP >> Content >> BB Code >> Custom BB codes >>

View attachment 9682

If it is disabled, enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If is is enabled, disable it, then re-enable it and then go back to the post, edit it, then save it and it should render.

If it is now working in the Post, then go to your Custom BBCode Page and see if its working there (since it wasn't working anywhere, it should be working now).
I guess I accidentally turned that one off. Seems like I accidentally turned that one off instead of the one below it. Thanks. haha. I never go into that settings page, really.
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