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Review fields


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Hi Bob,
Just getting around to setting this up, like some others, as a review engine!

So - was checking out Review fields for user reviews here (http://xenaddons.com/threads/review-fields-for-user-reviews.1114/page-2)

I may well have missed something here, and i can set custom review fields for users, and they are seen.
However i would like for the Original Poster (original user) to be able to post the same as the other readers i.e. to be able to submit the same info as the readers do.

Is this possible, or have i missed something here??

Cheers :)
Hi Paul :)

Yes, there is a specific user group permission that allows the Item Author to rate/review their own item. When this permission is set, the item author can use the User Reviews system just like anyone else. I also added the ability in SC 2.4.0 to have what is called an AUTHOR Rating (which is separate from the User Reveiws). This allows Items to actually be a review itself (kinda like cnet.com does their product reviews).

Cheers Bob - I take it this can only be done as an additional "review", rather than in the main initial posting??

Another question - The initial author rating - is there any way to change the color of the stars?? I can hardly see a difference between the white and gray ones (are they white and gray?!!!)

Many thanks again :)
I take it this can only be done as an additional "review", rather than in the main initial posting??
Yes. The ITEM itself is its own "entity". User Reviews are there own sub system. You CAN create ITEM Fields (there is rating field type) so that when creating or editing the showcase item, the author can set the AUTHOR rating and other "rating" type fields, but those will not display with the USER ratings because the user ratings are its OWN system. Instead, it will be displayed with the ITEM itself (just like popular review sites like cnet.com). They have clear seperation between the Author Review (the item itself) and an area for User Reviews.

Another question - The initial author rating - is there any way to change the color of the stars?? I can hardly see a difference between the white and gray ones (are they white and gray?!!!)
That is your custom style that is changing the colors. I do have specific CSS classes setup so that you can color the AUTHOR stars different than the User stars (and I even have a 3rd class for custom field stars). I'd have to see your site tho to see why yours are being overriden by your style (that should not be happening). Can you send me an inbox with a link to the site?
The ITEM itself is its own "entity". User Reviews are there own sub system. You CAN create ITEM Fields (there is rating field type) so that when creating or editing the showcase item, the author can set the AUTHOR rating and other "rating" type fields, but those will not display with the USER ratings because the user ratings are its OWN system. Instead, it will be displayed with the ITEM itself (just like popular review sites like cnet.com). They have clear seperation between the Author Review (the item itself) and an area for User Reviews.

Bob - cool :) Where can those Item fields be set up please?? Have taken a look however cant see them anywhere :D

That is your custom style that is changing the colors. I do have specific CSS classes setup so that you can color the AUTHOR stars different than the User stars (and I even have a 3rd class for custom field stars). I'd have to see your site tho to see why yours are being overriden by your style (that should not be happening). Can you send me an inbox with a link to the site?

Would do, however it's not visible to the public at the moment since i'm just trying various different formats/settings before i go live with it (the above is one of these!). Once i have the above sorted, i can open it up and then You will be able to see it :)

Currently though, it's like this...


Many thanks again Bob for all your help - It's much appreciated :)
Oh man, how did i not see that - Directly above the fields ive set up!! Sorry Bob :(

Cool - have duplicated the items i have set up in the review fields, and these can be set independently, which is perfect :) Now all users, whether author or otherwise can put a rating :)

Still a work in progress - will pass over a link when all sorted (probably in a day or two) if thats ok :)

Cheers and many thanks for a great add-on :)

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