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Implemented Reverse the home/away format?


Wow, the demo for pickem looks great and should go down a treat on my soccer site.

One suggestion, though (and I'm really not picking holes; it looks fantastic and you've been tremendous in implementing the "draw" aspect for those who'd need it.

The format of your demo lists the away team first, i.e. xxx AT yyy, Knicks AT Bulls etc. Most sports outside of the States would list the home team first, i.e. yyy V xxx, Tottenham V Manchester United etc, with the first team listed being the home team.

Would it be a great problem to alter the format (or give admin the option to do so) in the "draw" pickem, so that the home team is listed first?

Thanks as always - your add-ons really swung it for me in choosing Xenforo over other forum alternatives.
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Someone already paid me to do the template convert from the @ format to the vs format and asked me to add it to the downloads area for all licensed customers. It is available in the downloads area. I will at some point make this easier (probably an option in the admin CP), but for now its just a matter of swapping out 3 templates and either adding a new phrase or editing a current phrase name.. all in all it takes about 2 or 3 minutes to complete :)
sweet... let me know if you have any problems with the template conversion or need assistance with the setup/configuration :)
I marked this as implemented due to providing the neccessary template edits. I will at some point build this in as an option and probably make it a per pool setting so that you can have a Soccer Pool using Home vs Away and a MLB Pool using Away @ Home
This is now (as of RC1) integrated into the addon.

Options >> Pickem >> Picks Layout Format >> Choose between AWAY @ HOME or HOME vs AWAY. This will apply globally for ALL pools.

NOTE: You no longer need to apply the template edits. Those of you that applied the template edits, you will need to revert those after the upgrade and then use the Options setting instead.

In a future version (could be the next release), this will be moved from being a Global Option, to a Per Pool option (which you will set via the Pools Management). This way if you run a multinational Pickem, you could have an NFL Pool in the AWAY @ HOME format (which is the standard for the NFL) and have a Soccer Pools in the HOME vs AWAY format (which is the popular format for Soccer).

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