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Input Needed Replies to Reviews


Staff member
I've marked this as "Input needed" as I'd like to get a feel if this feature is something that is needed or not.

Currently, only the Author of the Item can reply to a review and only a single reply (similar to XFRM).

This suggestion would be to implement Replies (comments) to Reviews similar to Showcase (and a few other addons of mine) that allow members with permission to post comments on reviews.

If this is something that you'd like to see implemented, please UPVOTE it (not react, but UPVOTE).
Upvote 0
I'm on the fence. It would probably lead to more engagement so it's probably a good thing to have. But not essential to have.
  • Agree
Reactions: Bob
I'm on the fence. It would probably lead to more engagement so it's probably a good thing to have. But not essential to have.
Ya, that's pretty much why I've not implemented in in AMS and UBS yet.

If, I did it, there would be a permission that allows Authors and Contributors to reply, but not others, which would be how it is now, cept that multiple replies could be made by Author, Co-Authors or Contributors.

Its really not a hard feature to implement, just time consuming as there is quite a bit of code, templates, phrases etc... busy work that does take time, but easy because not spending time figuring out the "how it works" part ;)
Yeah, no wow factor in this feature IMHO.