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Registered Members Can't Edit


I have given full permission to Registered Members and they still can't edit there post..

Is this correct?
You have the time limit on editing/deleting own items (minutes) set to 0. You need to either set it to unlimited or set the number of minutes. Same for comments and reviews.
If the viewing user can not edit their item, then you have a permission somewhere that is not set correctly. There are individual permissions, User group permissions and Category Permissions. The viewing users secondary user groups also come into play.

Please post a screen shot of the viewing user's Analyze Permissions.
Can you create a test user and put that user in the same exact user group as 70StangMan and then login with that test user, create a showcase item and then see if you can edit?

Beyond that, the only thing I can do is actually login and check out the permissions myself. There is no reason (from that screen shot) why 70StangMan can not edit his item.
Can you create a test user and put that user in the same exact user group as 70StangMan and then login with that test user, create a showcase item and then see if you can edit?

Beyond that, the only thing I can do is actually login and check out the permissions myself. There is no reason (from that screen shot) why 70StangMan can not edit his item.
its weird cause I can see the edit function and when I test permission for other user groups I see them too. Just not for him..
its weird cause I can see the edit function and when I test permission for other user groups I see them too. Just not for him..
You really need to create a TEST user to properly test frontend functionality.

Create a TEST user that is an exact clone of 70StangMan (make sure the user is in the same primary and secondary groups). Then login with that test user, create a showcase item and see if you can edit. If not, then there is something wrong with your permissions setup (which I will have to login and check out myself).

@Bob B How do members add more images or delete images? is that only done by moderators?
When you edit the item, part of the item edit is managing images (its the last thing on the item edit form). Its driven by multiple permissions as well as global and category options.
You really need to create a TEST user to properly test frontend functionality.

Create a TEST user that is an exact clone of 70StangMan (make sure the user is in the same primary and secondary groups). Then login with that test user, create a showcase item and see if you can edit. If not, then there is something wrong with your permissions setup (which I will have to login and check out myself).

Made a new user and I am in the same Registered member and I have edit functions.