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Recently reviewed sort order


New Member

I would like to sort my items by the "Recently reviewed" order (as there is currently "Most recent", "Top Rated", "Most Liked" , ...).

Is it possible, and how ?

Thank you for your help.
Upvote 0
Its not something that can be done at the TEMPLATE level (altho, there is some template addition that would need to happen). It would require quite a bit of programming actually. Probably would be best to move this thread into the Suggestions Forum. IMO, its more useful than some of the existing sorting options, so its not something I'd just say NO to.
Probably would be best to move this thread into the Suggestions Forum
Ok :)
If this is moved to the Suggestion Forum, I would add a second suggestion : It would be useful to add also the reverse sorting option for each of the existing options (For instance "Most Recent" option can go from "most recent" to "less recent" OR the opposite)

IMO, its more useful than some of the existing sorting options
This is what I think too :D

so its not something I'd just say NO to.
Well...if you could even say YES...;)
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