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Implemented Pool Commissioner


Staff member
Similar to Yahoo and ESPN fantasy games, Pickem now has a Pool Commissioner. When a Pool is created (either on the frontend or backend), the person that creates the Pool is set as the Pool Commissioner (who is responsible for the administration of the Pool).

Pool commissioners do not need to be a member of the pool, nor do they need to be Admins or Moderators.

Pool commissioners can manage all pool settings just as if they were logged into the Admin CP and managing a specific pool.

Admins and Moderators can now manage pools on the frontend as well.

The commissioner is listing on the Pool Listing as well as various places within the Pool pages as well.


When the viewing user is the Commissioner of the pool (or Admin/Moderator with permission to manage pools on the frontend). they will see a drop down with the pool management options (Manage weekly winners, Manage players, Edit pool and lock/unlock comments). The interfaces are pretty much the same is in the admin CP, so I am not going to post screen shots of things you already know about.

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