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Implemented Options: Allowed comment attachment file extensions & Maximum comment attachment file size (KB)

Old Nick

AMS Premium
CAS Premium
LD Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium

I can't add PDF file to article's comment.
How to add new authorised file ?

PDF are already authorised in XF threads and replies.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
AMS Comments are limited to image attachments only (its been this way for 11 years now).

XFRM also has IMAGE only limitations. Neither base their attachments off of Threads and options for threads (they have their own options and behaviors).

XFMG doesn't even implement an attachment handler for comments.

You'd have to extend the Attachment Handler for AMS Comments and override the image only limitations. Its not something that can be done via templates (just so you don't waste time trying ;) ).

Note: If you are good with file edits, start a conversation with me and I can walk you through it (very easy skill level 1 edit)

You are more than welcome to post a suggestion(I've moved this into the suggestions forum) Its only been this way for 11 years now, so maybe its time for a change :)
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I've added 2 new options pertaining to AMS Comment Attachments.

The first option allows you to control the max file size (KB) pertaining to comment attachments. Default value for this is set to 2048 KB.

The 2nd option allows you to control with file extensions are allowed. Default values for this are the five image extensions as shown below


Here you can see that by adding the extension 'pdf' to the option "Allow comment attachment file extensions", I am allowed to upload a pdf file to an AMS comment (attachment displays use core XF macros, the same macros that posts use).
