This was funded by 3 Showcase license holders who wish to remain anonymous and simply wanted to give back to the community to include this in core instead of an addon.
As per title, there are some updates to the xa_sc_category_list_macros template (specifically the simple_list_block macro).
The "categories" blocks on Showcase Index and Showcase Category pages uses the new arg-isNavBlock in the simple_list_block macro in the xa_ams_category_list_macros template. This sets the block title to "Navigation" as well as adds some additional navigation related links to the block (as shown in the image below).
Author List
I've added an Author List instead of only having the Member Stats as the only listing of Authors. This is a very basic listing (as it doesn't need to be flashy). The listing is paginated and the fetch order is alphabetical. The Username is linked to the specific users "Author page". It will display a snippet of the Authors "about" if there is one (300 characters). It displays the amount of Items the member has posted (linked to the author page) and the amount of Comments the member has posted (not linked).
The Author list can be enabled/disabled via a Showcase Misc option. This options is enabled by default.
Also included on the Navigation Block, are "viewing user" specific links.
I've also added a widget position for the Author list sideNav "Showcase Author list: Sidenav".
Author Page
I've added the Navigation Block to the Authors page as well. I've added a widget position for Author pages as well "Showcase Author page: Sidenav" (applicable for all of the various Author pages... published items, items awaiting publishing, drafts, reviews).

Note: The Widget Definition "Showcase: Category navigation" is un-effected by these updates. That definition is only used for creating Category Navigation blocks for use outside of Showcase.
As per title, there are some updates to the xa_sc_category_list_macros template (specifically the simple_list_block macro).
The "categories" blocks on Showcase Index and Showcase Category pages uses the new arg-isNavBlock in the simple_list_block macro in the xa_ams_category_list_macros template. This sets the block title to "Navigation" as well as adds some additional navigation related links to the block (as shown in the image below).

Author List
I've added an Author List instead of only having the Member Stats as the only listing of Authors. This is a very basic listing (as it doesn't need to be flashy). The listing is paginated and the fetch order is alphabetical. The Username is linked to the specific users "Author page". It will display a snippet of the Authors "about" if there is one (300 characters). It displays the amount of Items the member has posted (linked to the author page) and the amount of Comments the member has posted (not linked).
The Author list can be enabled/disabled via a Showcase Misc option. This options is enabled by default.

Also included on the Navigation Block, are "viewing user" specific links.
I've also added a widget position for the Author list sideNav "Showcase Author list: Sidenav".

Author Page
I've added the Navigation Block to the Authors page as well. I've added a widget position for Author pages as well "Showcase Author page: Sidenav" (applicable for all of the various Author pages... published items, items awaiting publishing, drafts, reviews).

Note: The Widget Definition "Showcase: Category navigation" is un-effected by these updates. That definition is only used for creating Category Navigation blocks for use outside of Showcase.