showcase 3.2.12

  1. Bob

    Updated List View Layout & Featured/Full Carousel CSS/LESS - Larger Cover Images

    As per title, I've updated the CSS/LESS for both List View Layout and Featured/Full Carousel to display the Cover Images a bit larger (similar to how ebay has decent sized cover image on their List View and Carousel). These image sizes do change at medium, narrow (and super narrow), however...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Tool Bar - Moderator tools - Showcase Item Queue

    As per title, I've added a LINK in the Moderator tools in the XF Tool Bar that allows your Showcase Moderators to access the Showcase Items Queue, which lists all Items that are either in DRAFT or AWAITING PUBLISHING (view this thread for more information about Drafts and Scheduled Publishing...
  3. Bob

    Updated Widget Definition - Showcase: Items map - Filter by location option

    As per title, I've updated the Showcase: Items map Widget Definition with a new option "Filter by location". Allowing you do create map widgets like this.
  4. Bob

    Implemented Your reviews page

    As per title, I've added a "Your reviews" page. This page is sortable and filterable. I also added the Tabbed Filter bar. This page includes a sidenav with the Navigation Block (you can also add any widget to the sidenav).
  5. Bob

    Updated Latest reviews page

    As per title, I've updated the latest reviews page. This page is now sortable and filterable. I also added the Tabbed Filter bar. This page also now includes a sidenav with the Navigation Block (you can also add any widget to the sidenav.
  6. Bob

    Implemented Comment counts for users are now tracked and cached in the xf_user table

    As per title, Showcase is now tracking and storing comment counts (for both internal use and for customization purposes). The comment count data for each user is stored in a cache field xa_sc_comment_count located in the xf_user table (which means where ever a USER ENTITY is exposed, the cached...
  7. Bob

    Implemented Filters: Items that mention and Reviews that mention

    This is a Showcase 3.3 feature that I've pushed into SC 3.2.12 As per title, I've added 2 new filters for item lists and review lists pages. Items that mention Checks the Title, Description and Sections 1-6 Message fields for the term that you enter. Reviews that mention Checks the...
  8. Bob

    Updated Title filter

    I've updated the Title Filter from a single letter drop-down select to a text input, making it much more flexible (and most importantly, making it compatible with other language character sets).
  9. Bob

    Implemented Navigation Updates and Author list

    This was funded by 3 Showcase license holders who wish to remain anonymous and simply wanted to give back to the community to include this in core instead of an addon. As per title, there are some updates to the xa_sc_category_list_macros template (specifically the simple_list_block macro)...