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Moderator Warning for Review


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Is it possible to give a user a warning for a review? I see that reviews are reportable, but I don't see any way to give a user a warning for one. Am I missing a setting, or is it not available?
I just added this functionality to Showcase as few weeks ago as one of the Early Adopter license holders requested it (part of SC 2.6.0). It will be available with SC 2.6.0 Beta 1. NOTE: Warnings on reviews are PRIVATE (just like the Resource Manager).
By PRIVATE do you mean between the warner & the warnee? That's how I do it anyway. I don't believe in public warnings. No one elses business but staff and the user warned. :)
I am talking about the CORE XENFORO Warning System. This isn't something "showcase" specific. Its PART of the Core XenForo Warning Handler and is available to all content types that use the core xf warning handler.

Here I am giving a WARNING (Via the Core XenForo Warning System) to a member on a Showcase Comment. On the Content Action Tab, there are ACTIONS that can be taken. One of the actions is "Post a public warning". This OPTION is only available to a piece of content IF the HANDLER (programming code) allows it to be. In the case of Showcase Comments, I make it available as an option.

When you Choose that option, the TEXT will be displayed PUBLICLY (hence the term PUBLIC WARNING).


However, with Showcase User Reviews, I've disabled the ability to even post public warnings (just as the XFRM has done).
