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Resolved Links not shown correctly


New Member
AMS Premium
UBS Premium
Hi Bob,
what can be the problem with displaying the links to an article not correctly?
How to configure correctly?

thx a lot

'ams' is the base ROUTE in AMS. The ROUTE shown in the image you posted is using a ROUTE FILTER named 'artikel'.

My GUESS is that you have either changed the ROUTE FILTER to something other than 'artikel' OR the ROUTE FILTER has been disabled or deleted.

Can you confirm that you have a ROUTE FILTER in place for AMS and that the ROUTE FILTER is /artikel and not something else?

Links embedded into Post are not DYNAMIC, so you can not change a ROUTE FILTER and expect those links to change, as LINKS in posts are hard coded to what ever they were when added to the post.
Just FYI... if it IS a case of a changed or remove ROUTE FILTER, Kier (for XF1) and Chris (for XF2) have released addons named "Post Content Find/Replace". You can use those addons to search all posts to find those links with the OLD ROUTE FILTERS and replace them with the NEW ROUTE FILTER (or the base route). @alfa1 did this not too long ago.
'ams' is the base ROUTE in AMS. The ROUTE shown in the image you posted is using a ROUTE FILTER named 'artikel'.

My GUESS is that you have either changed the ROUTE FILTER to something other than 'artikel' OR the ROUTE FILTER has been disabled or deleted.

Can you confirm that you have a ROUTE FILTER in place for AMS and that the ROUTE FILTER is /artikel and not something else?

Links embedded into Post are not DYNAMIC, so you can not change a ROUTE FILTER and expect those links to change, as LINKS in posts are hard coded to what ever they were when added to the post.

Yes, i use a ROUTE FILTER


  • ScreenShot-2020-Apr-06-1235-PM.png
    21.7 KB · Views: 3
Just FYI... if it IS a case of a changed or remove ROUTE FILTER, Kier (for XF1) and Chris (for XF2) have released addons named "Post Content Find/Replace". You can use those addons to search all posts to find those links with the OLD ROUTE FILTERS and replace them with the NEW ROUTE FILTER (or the base route). @alfa1 did this not too long ago.

Have i use to tool for all articles in future???
One thing I just noticed in your screen shot is that you've TRANSLATED the phrase and there is a MISSING TAG (the opening 'PLAIN' tag is missing and is displaying the closing 'PLAIN' tag. (plus those should not be displaying, they should be parsed)

Post your TRANSLATION of the phrase: xa_ams_article_thread_create
Hi Bob,

This thread is for the general discussion of the {term} [url={article_link}][plain]{title}[/plain][/url]. Please add to the discussion here.

Dieser Thread ist für die allgemeine Diskussion des {term} [url = {article_link}] [plain] {title} [/ plain] [/ url]. Bitte ergänze die Diskussion hier.

Maybe the "spaces" is the problem?
This is wrong. You have added SPACES where there can't be SPACES.
[url = {article_link}] [plain] {title} [/ plain] [/ url]

Replace your translation with this...
Dieser Thread ist für die allgemeine Diskussion des {term} [url={article_link}][plain]{title}[/plain][/url]. Bitte ergänze die Diskussion hier.

Note: You will have to EDIT any existing posts as once the post is created, its raw text and can only be changed by editing it.
Create a TEST Article that you can delete after testing :) If its still doing it after testing, I'd need access to your site to do any further troubleshooting.