Your username here MUST MATCH your XenForo username (connected to your XF license).

    Once you have registered here, then you need to start a conversation at xenforo.com w/Bob and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified/met. Thank you for your patience.

Leaderboard Widget


Just noticed an issue with the Leaderboard widget, if I click on the member name in the leaderboard in the sidebar widget it redirect to the homepage rather than the member profile, just wondered if this happens for everyone or just me?
ah, ya... Names are not supposed to be links... I was going to do an ajax preview and just forgot about removing the hrefs. I just modified the core templates to remove the hrefs.

if you want, you can edit the template: xi_pickem_widget_framework_leaderboard

change both instances of this:
<dt><a href="">{$scoreoverall.username}</a></dt>

to this:
Great - Thanks - What about is I want them to link the profiles, is that an easy edit too?

replace the first with the first and the 2nd with the 2nd.. takes them directly to their profile page.

<dt><a href="{xen:link members, $scoreoverall}">{$scoreoverall.username}</a></dt>
<dt><a href="{xen:link members, $scoreweek}">{$scoreweek.username}</a></dt>