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Resolved I am having an issue with guest posting comments

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I want to say in LD 2.2 that guests (user group guest/unregistered) were allowed to post questions/reviews (as they can still with comments) and it respect "post content without approval".

I'm not seeing the buttons for guests to be able to do that on LD 2.3.3. Was there a change somewhere or was I seeing things?

I would need to reinstall 2.2 to confirm whether I was actually *able* to post a review/question, but I am almost positive that the buttons to do so were there.
There have been no changes to either the Write Before Registration or Guest Posting for comments and reviews.

There are two different systems.

Write Before Registration allows a guest to create a comment and when submitting the comment, it takes the guest to the registration form and upon successful registration, the comment is posted.

Guest Posting (write before registration MUST be disabled). This is the same eact guest posting that is in XFMG and Threads. It is permissions based and works just fine.

Anyway, I just tested BOTH and both work fine. You have something misconfigured if you can't get either system to work (which are permissions based AND options based AND Category settings based).
For guest posting:

Unregistered user group:

Category options:

Comment box shows on item view for someone not logged in:

Posting a comment:

I also went a step further and set the same permissions for the user group at the category level, but still get the login error.
Both systems work just fine and as designed.

There have been NO changes to either system since both were developed.

There were no changes in XF 2.3 that effected either systems for Posts, XFMG comments, or comments in any of my add-ons (which I tested all tonight and they all work fine).

If there was an outstanding issue, there would be bug reports for Posts, XFMG comments, AMS comments, CAS comments, LD comments, Showcase comments, UBS comments, Pick'em comments, Sportsbook comments and 40+ client add-ons with the same comment system that is standardized by XFMG.

If Anyone else reading this can reproduce this in any of my add-ons, please let me know (you can let me know privately as well)
Could be a redirect issue if you are sending comments to the moderation queue (as your screen shot shows that you are).

Try this... set the "Submit comments without approval" permission to YES, refresh the page so that the correct permissions are in place, submit a guest comment and it should post.

Then set that permission back to NO, refresh the page, submit another comment and it should take you to the login page as you can't view the piece of content. THEN log in with a Staff account that has permission to view moderated comments and you will see the guest posts (and those guest posts will be in the moderation queue).
were allowed to post questions/reviews
Guest posting has only ever been implemented for COMMENTS across all of my addons.

I've never implemented Guest posting for any other content type (Reviews, Questions, etc) in any of my addons (neither public nor private).

I have NO PLANS to ever implement guest posting for any content type other than Comments.

I've implemented PreRegistrationAction Handlers for Comments, Reviews and Questions, which is for the Write Before Registration System.

Note: Guest posting of Comments will most likely be phased out in favor of the Write Before Register system.
I've swapped over to write before registering as it makes more sense on this site to do for the audience that I'm targeting.

All is good now.
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