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Implemented Home/Category Page: Sort Order Types & Default Sort Order Type


Staff member
NOTE: This was a [PAID] request that has been graciously donated back to the community for inclusion in core.

Starting with Sportsbook 1.7.0, you can now set which Sort Order Types (Tabs) to display on the Sportsbook Home page AND Sportsbook Category pages. Sportsbook Home and Sportsbook Category each have their own settings.

Along with being able to choose which Sort Order Types to use, you can also set which Sort Order Type is the Default Sort Order Type. This controls which Tab is active when first landing on the Sportsbook Home Page or Sportsbook Category page. As with the above setting, Home and Category each have their own settings.

These are the setting for Sportsbook Home (they look and work the same on the Category Page options).

NOTE: If no Sort Order Types are selected (all unchecked), the system will automatically enable the Newest Action Tab.

NOTE 2: The default sort order type MUST MATCH one of the enabled Sort order Types! If there is a mismatch, the system will automatically enable the Newest Action tab and set it as the default Sort Order Tab.

And here you can see (based on the above settings) the Upcoming, Newest Action and Odds Update Tabs are displayed (all others are disabled) AND the Default Tab is "Newest Action".

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