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Answered Hiding post count

Evan Burck

New Member
AMS Premium
I apologize if this has been answered already, but I wasn't able to find it in a search.

This view counter here: Is there any way to hide it? We only want that to be viewable by admins if possible. I'm not CSS savvy enough to figure that out unfortunately.


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The view count can be enabled/disabled, via AMS Style Properties for each layout type.

Example, here is how to disable the view count on the Carousels (Featured, Latest and Simple).

Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Featured articles carousel >> Featured articles carousel elements >> Views (uncheck)


Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Latest articles carousel >> Latest articles carousel elements >> Views (uncheck)


Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Articles carousel simple >> Articles carousel simple elements >> Views (uncheck)

The view count can be enabled/disabled, via AMS Style Properties for each layout type.

Example, here is how to disable the view count on the Carousels (Featured, Latest and Simple).

Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Featured articles carousel >> Featured articles carousel elements >> Views (uncheck)


Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Latest articles carousel >> Latest articles carousel elements >> Views (uncheck)


Admin CP >> Appearance >> Styles & templates >> Style properties >> AMS: appearance >> Articles carousel simple >> Articles carousel simple elements >> Views (uncheck)
