per this non bug:
An option to display European Decimal Odds vs American Decimal Odds is in the works and should be included in the next release. This is purely a "display" issue. It has absolutely no "functionality" associated with it.
In the mean time, here is a temp solution for those wanting to display European Decimals Odds vs American.
You will need to replace 3 methods in 2 different models. The 2 models are Wager.php (1 method) and Outcome.php (2 methods).
The first Model we'll do is Wager.php. The Model is located at the path below.
The method we are going to replace is wager::formatWagerOdds (located on appx line 370)
Find this:
Replace with this:
Next we'll do Outcome.php. The Model is located at the path below.
The first method we are going to replace is outcome::formatOutcomeOdds (located on appx line 75)
Find this:
Replace with:
The second method we are going to replace is outcome::formatOutcomesOdds (located on appx line 83)
Find this:
Replace with this:
An option to display European Decimal Odds vs American Decimal Odds is in the works and should be included in the next release. This is purely a "display" issue. It has absolutely no "functionality" associated with it.
In the mean time, here is a temp solution for those wanting to display European Decimals Odds vs American.
You will need to replace 3 methods in 2 different models. The 2 models are Wager.php (1 method) and Outcome.php (2 methods).
The first Model we'll do is Wager.php. The Model is located at the path below.
The method we are going to replace is wager::formatWagerOdds (located on appx line 370)
Find this:
public function formatWagerOdds($wagers)
foreach ($wagers AS &$wager)
$wager['wager_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$wager['wager_odds_against']/(float)$wager['wager_odds_for']));
return $wagers;
Replace with this:
public function formatWagerOdds($wagers)
foreach ($wagers AS &$wager)
$wager['wager_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$wager['wager_odds_against']/(float)$wager['wager_odds_for'])+1.00);
return $wagers;
Next we'll do Outcome.php. The Model is located at the path below.
The first method we are going to replace is outcome::formatOutcomeOdds (located on appx line 75)
Find this:
public function formatOutcomeOdds($outcome)
$outcome['current_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$outcome['current_odds_against']/(float)$outcome['current_odds_for']));
return $outcome;
Replace with:
public function formatOutcomeOdds($outcome)
$outcome['current_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$outcome['current_odds_against']/(float)$outcome['current_odds_for'])+1.00);
return $outcome;
The second method we are going to replace is outcome::formatOutcomesOdds (located on appx line 83)
Find this:
public function formatOutcomesOdds($outcomes)
foreach ($outcomes AS &$outcome)
$outcome['current_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$outcome['current_odds_against']/(float)$outcome['current_odds_for']));
return $outcomes;
Replace with this:
public function formatOutcomesOdds($outcomes)
foreach ($outcomes AS &$outcome)
$outcome['current_odds_decimal'] = sprintf("%0.2f", ((float)$outcome['current_odds_against']/(float)$outcome['current_odds_for'])+1.00);
return $outcomes;