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Implemented [Enhanced] Filter System


Staff member
As per title...

Convert the existing Tabs for filtering to use the drop down filtering (similar to how the new Resource Manager does it).
Upvote 1
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As you can see in the above image, you can filter by more than just Status now. You can also filter by Prefix (yes, Sportsbook has its own prefix system now). You can filter by both Status and Prefix as well.
Had to modify this slighty since the screen shot as the default Filter Type is now forced to OPEN which means the "ANY" (no filter) will not work (as removing OPEN will automatically reset the default filter to open again (as it should). So I've added a NEW Filter called ANY which will display ALL Items except pending and abandoned. This works basically just like the last version where the OPEN Tab was focused. The only draw back is the Filter Bar is ALWAYS visible since the default view IS filtered to OPEN. Hope I explained it so that it makes sense lol

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