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Changing Item Date


AMS Premium
SC Premium
Bob, if I wanted to adjust the date of when an item was added to Showcase I would have to do so manually in the DB right? I imported some old data that I wrote 6 months ago and I don't want it to show like I wrote all of it 3 days ago. No big deal, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss a date edit option or anything. TIA!

Ok cool, at least this is only 26 items to edit. In the future is it possible to add an easy time stamp edit box? If this goes successful, I might have to transfer over 1200 items for another website. Thanks again!
Thanks Bob, not sure I would want to update 1200 items to have the same date with 1 query. I had to edit each item in the database so I could change the publish date because each item has a unique publish date. It's not a big deal when it's a few things, it will be a couple weeks to fix 1200 items to have the original publish date though. I would just ask that perhaps a consideration to add something like the date edit field like Wordpress has in the admin GUI. It would make life a bit easier so I can share the load with my other content editors instead of being the only person in the db.