As per title, I've updated the input for the Category content image URL to use the Asset Uploader (XF 2.2 - Style archive import/export, Style asset locations and Asset uploads)
This means that you will HAVE TO EDIT each of your categories that you are currently setting a Category content image (either to upload the category image via the asset uploader OR to add the PATH data/assets/xa_sb_cat_images/ to the input and then manually move your category images into the data/assets/xa_sb_cat_images/ folder.
NOTE: This does not mean you can add a complete URL to an external image, the input is designed for use with the ASSET UPLOADER, which stores images in data/assets/FOLDER (where FOLDER is determined by an asset key set by the addon).

This means that you will HAVE TO EDIT each of your categories that you are currently setting a Category content image (either to upload the category image via the asset uploader OR to add the PATH data/assets/xa_sb_cat_images/ to the input and then manually move your category images into the data/assets/xa_sb_cat_images/ folder.
NOTE: This does not mean you can add a complete URL to an external image, the input is designed for use with the ASSET UPLOADER, which stores images in data/assets/FOLDER (where FOLDER is determined by an asset key set by the addon).