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Implemented 'Bucket List' or Bookmark feature


I would love to add a feature so that my users can select a showcase item and add it to a sort of bucket list that is kept in their user profile. Think of a showcase of vacation destinations for example. If a member hasn't been to one in the showcase but wants to add it to the list, they just click a button and it's added to their list. I would pay to add this feature.
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This is probably something that would be best handled as customization. Im wondering tho if Syndols bookmarks addon would work for this?
That add-on is almost exactly what I need. Any ideas what I would edit to get that Bookmark link that shows up in posts to show up in a Showcase item?
That add-on is almost exactly what I need. Any ideas what I would edit to get that Bookmark link that shows up in posts to show up in a Showcase item?

Im not sure. I don't own it and have never really looked at its functionality. If its not something that is easy, you'd probably be better off having a custom function built specifically for you.
That add-on is almost exactly what I need. Any ideas what I would edit to get that Bookmark link that shows up in posts to show up in a Showcase item?

Forgot to bump this to let you know that Syndol added integration for showcase in his bookmarks addon :)