I can say that I decide to buy showcase, but before that some quick questions regarding post install setup.
Is it possible:
All of this because I have some categories on my forum with many existed threads that I want to connect/import into new installed showcase.
I have Category Gastronomy and Category Fishing spots with own subforums, and every subforum with own threads, so I want to keep same hierarchy of levels in showcase.
For example:
-- Category Gastronomy
------ Subforum cold food
---------- Subforum meat
------------ Thread pork meat
And Showcase will be only first post, so disable comments and enable disscussion thread.
Is it possible:
- every showcase category and subcategory have own forum category/node?
So if I create showcase category A (with subforums A1 and A2) and B (with subforums B1 and B2) I could set discussion in already created categories/forums - every showcase category and subcategory have own set of permissions?
Usergroup A can do something in showcase/forum category, but can not in another showcase/forum category - replace link in particular forums (connected with showcase) so when user click on button create new thread, it will open create item in particular showcase category/subcategory?
- create showcase with already created thread (first post of that thread to showcase) with posibillity to edit that showcase manually too after creating
- will user see automatically creted thread from showcase in "new posts" list?
- could we set somehow that first post in automatically created thread looks like main showcase post (with images), so have we some control what will be posted in first posts from showcase tabs?
All of this because I have some categories on my forum with many existed threads that I want to connect/import into new installed showcase.
I have Category Gastronomy and Category Fishing spots with own subforums, and every subforum with own threads, so I want to keep same hierarchy of levels in showcase.
For example:
-- Category Gastronomy
------ Subforum cold food
---------- Subforum meat
------------ Thread pork meat
And Showcase will be only first post, so disable comments and enable disscussion thread.