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Please add affiliate link functionality to RMS. Similar to this:
We use affiliate links in RMS. It would be nice to have this.
Implemented Thread 'Affiliate link'
This was funded by @Alexov
This has been implemented in LD 2.2.18. This is a permissions based feature, so you can monetize this and or limit this to specific User Groups.
When the viewing user has permission to set an affiliate link, there will be a new input below the URL input as shown in the screenshot below.
The Affiliate Link needs to be the FULL AFFILIATE LINK (as the field description shows and as the screenshot below shows).
Note: since the affiliate link is a FULL URL, you can use short URLs as long as they comply to URL standards (the...
This has been implemented in LD 2.2.18. This is a permissions based feature, so you can monetize this and or limit this to specific User Groups.

When the viewing user has permission to set an affiliate link, there will be a new input below the URL input as shown in the screenshot below.

The Affiliate Link needs to be the FULL AFFILIATE LINK (as the field description shows and as the screenshot below shows).
Note: since the affiliate link is a FULL URL, you can use short URLs as long as they comply to URL standards (the...
- Bob
- ld 2.2.18
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Link Directory Closed Suggestions
We use affiliate links in RMS. It would be nice to have this.