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Resolved Advertising space


New Member
Is it possible to add ads after a large photo, section 1-5, location? It would be a very good update and a gift for webmasters :)
XF2 has a built in advertising system. One of the neat functions that is included with it, is the ability to create your own custom Advertising positions (via the Development section) that you can then add those custom advertising positions were ever you want to (for instance, the places you mention).


For the most basic use, you might create a custom position titled "Showcase: under cover image" with an unique id 'mal_sc_item_view_below_image' <--- just make sure that is unique in your system.

Note: Do NOT associate this position with an Addon or it will be wiped out when upgrading!

Then you simply edit the xa_sc_item_view template and add the XF template helper:

<xf:ad position="mal_sc_item_view_below_image" arg-item="{$item}" />

You can now navigate to Admin CP >> Setup >> Advertising >> Add advertisement. Clicking on the Position dropdown, you will see the position "Showcase: under cover image" :)

I currently have no plans to integrate any built in positions as its just way to easy for admins to create their own and place them exactly where they want them.

Hope that made sense?
My guess would be that when you created the Advertising position, you set the "Add-on" input to associate with Showcase. You can't do that as you are not the developer of the addon. What that setting is for, is for the Developer of an addon, to associate stuff like Ad positions so that when the XML is generated, it includes things like options, phrases, templates etc.

What you need to do is NOT set that (so that its NOT associated with any addon or XenForo). This way when you upgrade XenForo or Addons, it doesn't wipe out any custom options, templates, phrase, ad positions, widget positions etc that you have created on your own.


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