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Means to bulk-expire old ads


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
This is mostly a product of my bad planning and the fact that we imported tens of thousands of ads from our old classifieds forums, with no exipration date...

If a user has 200 old ads from 10 years ago, I would love to be able to select them all for moderation, and then select "expire ads".

I could delete them I suppose... but many like to use old ads for pricing reference...
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Not sure the batch update ads feature in the Admin CP will work for you or not.

Might need to enhance inline moderation with an actionExpire. Hit me up in private to discuss.
Not sure the batch update ads feature in the Admin CP will work for you or not.
Looks like you can use the Batch Update Classified Ads to accomplish this as one of the actions is "Expire ads" for the update action. So in theory, you can add the user, so that it only fetches ads for that user, choose Ad status (multi select), then hit search, then view/filter matches, which lets you remove any ads that you don't want to action, which takes you back to the Update ads form, which you can then select "Expire ads", click on [Update ads] button and it will EXPIRE all of those matched ads.

Note: If you've never used any of the Batch Update [Content type] features like Batch update threads, you might want to first mess around with it on a Test Instance instead of Production. Its a pretty slick tool once you understand how it works ;)
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