showcase 2.5.1

  1. The Sandman

    Fixed Error when restoring spam cleaned member

    Getting this error when trying to restore a user who's been spam cleaned: Error Info ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method NFLJ_Showcase_Model_InlineMod_Item::undeleteResources() - library/NFLJ/Showcase/SpamHandler/Item.php:66 Generated By: The Sandman, 2 minutes ago Stack Trace...
  2. DerTobi75

    Fixed create item moderated, tags issue

    Damn, so many options :-) I think I found the "bug", looks like when you set Create Items moderated, and after approval the tags seem to have no effect in Xenforo. When I delete the tags, and reenter them, after approval, everything works just fine.
  3. kontrabass

    Fixed server errors after upgrade to XF 1.5 and Showcase 2.5

    Hi Bob! Getting a server error after said upgrade. Steps to reproduce: Go to advanced search page, and if anything is entered into the "posted by member" field, these errors come up. Maybe a conflict with DigitalPoint Search? I wish I know more what these meant. First this one...