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Not Planned [XF1] Rate items in half star steps


New Member
I would like to make this suggestion.

Currently items can only be rated with full stars, like this: Sterne.PNG
But my users would like to be able to rate with half stars too. Like this: Stern².PNG

Is this possible for a future update?
Upvote 2
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I don't think core XenForo rating.js has that ability (on the rating end). It has the ability to display 1/2 stars, but not to rate. I'll look into it tho.
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btw, is this for the Item Owner Review (SC 2.3.0) or for User Reviews or for both?
For both would be best, just for User Reviews also would be fine. Thank you for considering.
I might move away from using the stars as a rating mechanism and just use them as display. Using them for rating is slaved to 1-2-3-4-5 (it doesn't allow for 1/2 ratings). There are cases where people want more than 1/2 ratings as well (like 1/4 ratings). I may just move to a admin configurable drop down at some point.
I might move away from using the stars as a rating mechanism and just use them as display. Using them for rating is slaved to 1-2-3-4-5 (it doesn't allow for 1/2 ratings). There are cases where people want more than 1/2 ratings as well (like 1/4 ratings). I may just move to a admin configurable drop down at some point.
Personally i hope you stay with Stars for the front end look for rating, its more clear to what its for and just a far better look.
I know its likely more work but could you not code a star rating that lets you do smaller steps, that matches the xenforo look, but without using the xenforo code?

Eg something like this: http://www.univie.ac.at/ptox/uploads/fivestars/previewpackage/upload/code.html
After giving this A LOT of thought, I am going to move this to Future Consideration to see what changes come with XF 2.0 and the core XF Rating system.

I prefer to stick to Core XF for integration/standardization reasons.