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Not Planned [XF1] Pinterest / WeHeartIt suggestion

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This one I will have to do a lot of research on as I am not at all familiar with pinterest. I'll most likely be asking you questions...hope you don't mind?
Its not that easy/simple tho. The comments system for showcase is built specifically for an ITEM. To comment on each image would require a complete comments system to be written specifically for that (you can't just cut and paste functionality, programming doesn't work like that and even if it did, it would be different anyway). For what you want, that is falling more under the lines of custom work than adding some additional functionality to the addon. To do what you want will take me as much time to build as it took me to build this entire addon itself.
You can't just "use" something. You can re use some of the code to speed up development, but still, ya gotta build its OWN system.
Its ok bud... I don't want to bore you with a TON of coding talk (nor do I want to spend time discussing WHY when I could be writing Code ;) ). Trust me, if it was THAT easy, you'd see a heck of a lot more addons with similar functionality.
after researching this, I just don't think this is something that I am interested in as a main core feature. To me, this is more of a customization. Marked as not considered at this time.