With XF 2.2 taking longer than expected, I am going to move some of the features I've implemented for AMS 2.2 into AMS 2.1.x (starting with AMS 2.1.13).
As per title, with the implementation of Article Page Polls and Series Polls, I've included 2 new Widget Definitions that allow you to create Poll Widgets for Article Page Polls and Series Polls (they work exactly like the Article poll and Core XF poll widget definitions, so I don't need to go into details here). Its as simple as adding the URL to the Article Page or Series Page.
a couple random screen shots..

As per title, with the implementation of Article Page Polls and Series Polls, I've included 2 new Widget Definitions that allow you to create Poll Widgets for Article Page Polls and Series Polls (they work exactly like the Article poll and Core XF poll widget definitions, so I don't need to go into details here). Its as simple as adding the URL to the Article Page or Series Page.
a couple random screen shots..
