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Transferring Showcase Data To New Forum

Gary Gannon

New Member
Is it possible to transfer showcase data to a new forum?

We are importing the users into the new forum and I would like to maintain all of the showcase, but it appears that might not be possible.

Any suggestions?
Define New forum. Is it a BLANK SLATE forum with NO Data? or is it an existing forum with existing members, threads, attachments etc that you are using the xf 1.2 to xf 1.2 importer to MERGE two forums?
Blank slate. The first import will be from the current forum with the showcase.

I have installed showcase on the new forum and mimicked all settings, categories, etc.
Then it should be fairly easy. Install showcase on the NEW site. Then export the data from all the showcase tables on the old site into the new site. I believe the importer SHOULD bring over the attachments. You'll have to rebuild showcase thumbs regardless. You'd need to handle the showcase stuff before importing a 2nd forum of any kind tho.
Yes, you'll have to manually export/import the showcase tables (they are all xf_nflj_showcase_tablename)

Any idea on this?

Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'category.rate_review_system' in 'where clause'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Model.php at line 219
  5. XenForo_Model->fetchAllKeyed() in NFLJ/Showcase/Model/Item.php at line 106
  6. NFLJ_Showcase_Model_Item->getItems() in NFLJ/Showcase/ControllerPublic/Index.php at line 155
  7. NFLJ_Showcase_ControllerPublic_Index->actionModular() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/index.php at line 13
It also appears that the attached images may not have moved over along with them. I am in the process of downloading them and then uploading to the new server. Could this error be in relation to that?
That would indicate a mismatch of Showcase versions...

'category.rate_review_system' was introduced in the most recent version (SC 1.3.0). If you installed SC 1.3.0 on the new site and the old site is running 1.2.x, you will need to upgrade the old site first.

Might have to export the data manually from the xf_attachment and xf_attachment_data tables where content_type = showcase_item. Do you know how to do that? also might have to copy over the raw images from the data directories.

Again, I've never DONE this, but in theory, it should work. I've clones dozens of my own DEV environments, by doing it.
Alright so doing as you said got it all working and showing and attached to peoples accounts, but now a new issue. When people go to add a new item it seems that are getting this:


And the ADMIN CP shows me this:

Error Info
ErrorException: copy(/data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/data/showcase/1/1136-2cc90d5ec30e59d5477f864b0377a0b7.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied - library/NFLJ/Showcase/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php:61
Generated By: Kendall Lawliet, 59 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'copy(/data/www/...', '/data/www/forum...', 61, Array) #1 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/NFLJ/Showcase/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php(61): copy('/data/www/forum...', '/data/www/forum...') #2 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/NFLJ/Showcase/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php(36): NFLJ_Showcase_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_copyFile('/data/www/forum...', '/data/www/forum...') #3 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/XenForo/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php(159): NFLJ_Showcase_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_writeAttachmentFile('/data/www/forum...', Array, true) #4 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1397): XenForo_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_postSave() #5 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/NFLJ/Showcase/Model/Attachment.php(66): XenForo_DataWriter->save() #6 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/NFLJ/Showcase/ControllerPublic/Attachment.php(150): NFLJ_Showcase_Model_Attachment->insertUploadedAttachmentData(Object(XenForo_Upload), 90) #7 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): NFLJ_Showcase_ControllerPublic_Attachment->actionDoUpload() #8 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch)) #9 /data/www/forum.gamebreakernation.com/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #10 {main}
Request State
array(3) { ["url"] => string(136) "http://forum.xivnation.com/index.ph...25d270e5ea895c6372&content_type=showcase_item" ["_GET"] => array(3) { ["showcase/attachment/do-upload_json"] => string(0) "" ["hash"] => string(32) "a7d83e2d97d5bc25d270e5ea895c6372" ["content_type"] => string(13) "showcase_item" } ["_POST"] => array(6) { ["Filename"] => string(6) "EZ.jpg" ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1" ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********" ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json" ["_xfSessionId"] => string(32) "d9aec81ada33b2957ffdcc607628754a" ["Upload"] => string(12) "Submit Query" } }
OK, let me know if there is ANYTHING that doesn't work properly. The only other thing that might be effected is discussion thread association (if thread IDs changed during the migration).
I purposely imported that forum first and told it to keep thread IDs to hopefully prevent that, but from what I can see everything is working now, better than I could have hoped for.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but this is exactly what I need to do right now. How do you export the data from the existing showcase and import it into the new showcase? and is it possible to also copy categories and permissions etc...
How do you export the data from the existing showcase and import it into the new showcase?

There is no Import/Expert functionality in Showcase. This thread was explaining how to manually do it for a specific situation.

He was moving and existing XF instance into a FRESH XF instance (so all users data would be the same). This allowed him to install showcase (fresh) on the new site, then simple copy the Showcase Tables from the original XF DB into the NEW XF DB which would contain all the data (category's, items etc). Then rebuild the thumbs. It works like a charm (I've done it several times for my own development instances).

Where it gets tricky is when you are MERGING an XF site into another XF site and the new site has users. All the OLD users will be getting NEW User Id's which will obviously not MATCH the user_id's stored in showcase tables. The XF to XF import does store MAPPING, however, you'd have to write a custom script to update user_id's in all the showcase tables once you moved them over (and you'd have to disable CRONS related to showcase until after you get ID's sorted. Its not a novice type project (at least, I wouldn't recommend it unless you know what you are doing).

Moving the data from one db to another can be done in several different ways (depending on how much data you have stored).
Thats ex
There is no Import/Expert functionality in Showcase. This thread was explaining how to manually do it for a specific situation.

He was moving and existing XF instance into a FRESH XF instance (so all users data would be the same). This allowed him to install showcase (fresh) on the new site, then simple copy the Showcase Tables from the original XF DB into the NEW XF DB which would contain all the data (category's, items etc). Then rebuild the thumbs. It works like a charm (I've done it several times for my own development instances).

Where it gets tricky is when you are MERGING an XF site into another XF site and the new site has users. All the OLD users will be getting NEW User Id's which will obviously not MATCH the user_id's stored in showcase tables. The XF to XF import does store MAPPING, however, you'd have to write a custom script to update user_id's in all the showcase tables once you moved them over (and you'd have to disable CRONS related to showcase until after you get ID's sorted. Its not a novice type project (at least, I wouldn't recommend it unless you know what you are doing).

Moving the data from one db to another can be done in several different ways (depending on how much data you have stored).

I've moved the data over and will reassign items, thats fine. However, is there a way to completely clear all thread associations? I want to start all of that again
run these 2 queries..

update xf_nflj_showcase_item set thread_id = 0;

update xf_thread set discussion_type = '' where discussion_type = 'showcase' ;
NOTE: those are 2 single quote ' marks not a double " mark
run these 2 queries..

update xf_nflj_showcase_item set thread_id = 0;

update xf_thread set discussion_type = '' where discussion_type = 'showcase' ;
NOTE: those are 2 single quote ' marks not a double " mark

Where do I run them? Sorry, Am useless at this sort of stuff :(