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Thread not being created


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Hey Bob, I have a new test install set up. I have the showcase category set to create a thread in a specified forum. I ran a test, created an item, and a thread was not created. I do have the forum permission set so that members cannot post new threads in that forum - this way, the only time threads get posted are from showcase items being created. I have it set that way on my live site and it works fine (older 2.7 SC version though).

What checks should I run to determine why a thread isn't being created? I'm going to delete the item and run another test.
Send me an admin log in so I can see what might be going on. btw, Forum permissions don't even come into play when creating an associated discussion thread, so you can rule that out. Did you check the Moderation Queue by chance?
Got it - I looked at the error logs and found that it was a separate plugin causing it. Disabled that and retried and it worked. Thanks for pointing me to the logs (which I should have checked first).