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Not Planned Table of Contents

Old Nick

AMS Premium
CAS Premium
LD Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium

It would be nice to have the possibility to create a table of contents at the top of each article for articles that are long but not on several pages.
It's interesting for SEO too.

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It would be nice to have the possibility to create a table of contents at the top of each article for articles that are long but not on several pages.
It's interesting for SEO too.

This is a constant confusion with SEO... If it is not for search engines it is not SEO, it generally falls under user experience and usability.

If you are doing long articles and are wanting to optimize for monetization or search engines you will 100% want to use multiple pages as that inherently increases your reach and potential hits for search terms, and also will increase your ad views.

There also exists at least one add-on that does this fairly easily, so it doesn't seem the best time investment for @Bob but he has the final say.
Hi and thank you for your reply.

I was talking about search engines that like tables of contents even for fairly short articles.
For long articles yes the multipage is super interesting and it is an inevitable feature for any system managing articles.

I did not find a module to create tables of contents, that's why I proposed it here as a suggestion.
The only table of contents module I found is specific to discussions it seems to me not to articles.