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Submit Feedback button on profile


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
I'm not seeing any way to get to the point of a "Post Feedback" button, other than clicking the actual feedback score in a user's profile. This has led many of our members with questions on how to leave feedback for their buyers. Would suggest a button right on the user profile :)
Upvote 0
In case you missed seeing it, there is a Post feedback button on each classified ad (only viewable by those with permission to post feedback). If you are viewing your own ad, you won't see it because you can't post feedback on yourself for your own items.


IIRC, feedback can also be initiated via Transactions (altho, that might be something I've done for a future CAS 2.3.x version).

I will consider adding a [Post feedback] button to other locations that make sense to have a button (or link) in those locations. I won't just slap a button just anywhere tho (has to make sense to be added there).
Thanks, Bob leaving feedback for the seller is easy with that post feedback button. But the seller trying to leave feedback for the buyer. I can’t figure out any other way, but to click on the numbers score
Thanks, Bob leaving feedback for the seller is easy with that post feedback button. But the seller trying to leave feedback for the buyer. I can’t figure out any other way, but to click on the numbers score
I have the same experience.. I ended up displaying the info in postbit so users can click on feedback easier