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Implemented Sticky Ads


New Member
CAS Premium
As per title, please consider implementing "Stick ads".

Create the ability to stick ad CAS in category.

It would be desirable to implement access rights to this feature through user groups.
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It would be desirable to implement access rights to this feature through user groups.
Just FYI to the OP and everyone else reading this suggestion, if considered, this would be a Moderator only function, just like Core XF Sticky Threads is only a Moderator only function.

Just wanted to make that clear since the OP's wording sounds like he wants Ad Owners to be able to Sticky their own ads and that is NOT going to happen as a core function of CAS.
This has been implemented in CAS 2.3.5.

Note: This was sponsored by a CAS Premium license holder who wishes to remain anonymous.

This is a Moderator Only feature that is permissions driven. The viewing user must have permission to Stick/Unstick Ads as well as edit any ad (must have both permissions).


When the viewing moderator has permission to Stick/Unstick ads, and they are viewing a classified ad, they will see a link in the more options drop-down that either allows them to Stick ad (or Unstick ad that is currently a sticky ad). This is an AJAX action that does not require confirmation (just like sticking a thread).


This feature is also available via Inline moderation as shown in the screenshot below


As you can see, the first 2 ads have the STICKY Icon and are displayed above the Ad listing on Category Pages (only on page 1, just like sticky threads behavior).

Note: Sticky Ads always display in LIST VIEW LAYOUT (which is the only non grid based layout type).

Note: As mentioned above, this is a MODERATOR feature only (just like Sticky Threads).


That's it in a nutshell. Pretty basic feature (works similar to sticky threads, sticky AMS Articles, Sticky Showcase Items etc..

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