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Renaming custom field IDs


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I know you can't do it in the admin cp. But let's say there was a case where you needed to change the ID of a custom field. Would it be a matter of going into phpmyadmin and editing those field IDs? Which tables need to be edited for each field?

And why is it that the IDs can't be changed in the admin cp? Just curious.
You CAN NOT change the field_id of a custom field! This says so right on the FORM for very specific reasons. Manually changing it will screw things up royally!

Data like Field Title, Field description and Field Choices are stored as PHRASES and the phrase names include the field_id of the custom field.

Title Phrase: sc_custom_field_FIELD_ID
Description Phrase: sc_custom_field_FIELD_ID_desc
Choice Phrase: sc_custom_field_FIELD_ID_choice_CHOICE_ID

The field_id is also included as data in LOOKUP tables.

LOOKUP TABLE: xf_nflj_showcase_custom_field_category (the field_id column in this table links with the field_id column in the xf_nflj_showcase_custom_field table

LOOKUP TABLE: xf_nflj_showcase_custom_field_value (the field_id column in this table links with the field_id column in the xf_nflj_showcase_custom_field table

Field Id's are also stored in CACHE for various use cases.

This is Core XenForo architecture and standards. User Fields, Resource Fields, Media Fields etc all use the same standard custom fields architecture. I follow that same standard with all my addons.
Alrighty then - I will just delete the fields and create new ones then. Sounds like that's the way to do it. Thanks for explaining why it can't be done ;)