With XF 2.2 taking longer than anticipated, I am going to move some of the features I've implemented for AMS 2.2 into AMS 2.1.x (starting with AMS 2.1.13).
As per title, pages can now be reassigned since they are now owned by a user instead of being sudo owned by the Article Owner.
This is a permissions driven feature that allows both Moderators and the Article Owner to reassign pages.
Pages can be reassigned from both the Manage pages area and on the page itself (as shown in the below 2 images).
Reassigning a page is done the same standard way as reassigning other types of AMS content.
Alerts are sent out when reassigning pages.

As per title, pages can now be reassigned since they are now owned by a user instead of being sudo owned by the Article Owner.
This is a permissions driven feature that allows both Moderators and the Article Owner to reassign pages.
Pages can be reassigned from both the Manage pages area and on the page itself (as shown in the below 2 images).

Reassigning a page is done the same standard way as reassigning other types of AMS content.

Alerts are sent out when reassigning pages.
