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Rate&review bar above picture ?


New Member
(almost) All is in the title : I would like to have the "Rate&Review" bar above the picture instead of having it below.

How can I do that ?

Should be a simple template edit..

edit the template: nflj_showcase_item

FIND: (located towards the bottom of the template)
    <xen:if is="{$category.rate_review_system} && {$item.canRateItem}">
        <div class="rateBlock">
            {xen:if '{$category.rate_review_system} == 2', {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_rate_review_this_item}, {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_rate_this_item}}:
            <xen:include template="rating">
                <xen:set var="$action">{xen:if '{$category.rate_review_system} == 2', {xen:link showcase/rate-review, $item}, {xen:link showcase/rate, $item}} </xen:set>

Then you will want to cut that entire chuck of template code and past it to the same template (not another one) where you want it to display..

FIND: (located towards the top)
    <div class="showcaseItemInfo">
        <div class="showcaseItemContent">
            <div class="showcaseItemTitle">
                {xen:if '{$item.item_state} == "draft" ', '<span class="draft">[{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_draft}]</span>', ''} {xen:helper showcasePrefix, $item}{$item.item_name}
            <div class="showcaseItemCategory muted">
                <a href="{xen:link showcase/category, $category}">{$category.category_name}</a> {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_item_created_by} <span><xen:username user="$item" />,</span> <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}"><xen:datetime time="$item.date_added" /></a>              
            <div class="showcaseItemDescription">
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

and then place the chunk of template code directly below so that it now looks like this...
    <div class="showcaseItemInfo">
        <div class="showcaseItemContent">
            <div class="showcaseItemTitle">
                {xen:if '{$item.item_state} == "draft" ', '<span class="draft">[{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_draft}]</span>', ''} {xen:helper showcasePrefix, $item}{$item.item_name}
            <div class="showcaseItemCategory muted">
                <a href="{xen:link showcase/category, $category}">{$category.category_name}</a> {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_item_created_by} <span><xen:username user="$item" />,</span> <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}"><xen:datetime time="$item.date_added" /></a>               
            <div class="showcaseItemDescription">
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

<xen:if is="{$category.rate_review_system} && {$item.canRateItem}">
        <div class="rateBlock">
            {xen:if '{$category.rate_review_system} == 2', {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_rate_review_this_item}, {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_rate_this_item}}:
            <xen:include template="rating">
                <xen:set var="$action">{xen:if '{$category.rate_review_system} == 2', {xen:link showcase/rate-review, $item}, {xen:link showcase/rate, $item}} </xen:set>
Thank you very much Bob. This is a very precise and helpful answer and let me tell you that you're doing a great support job.
It's really appreciated :)
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