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Quick translation question: How to translate 'No Rating' on article author's rating?


Quick thing Bob:

I'm creating a category for reviews written by my user base and hoping to be a big success for my people.

But I'm trying to translate the term "No Rating" on the rating drop down menu and i can't find the phrase.

Is hard coded on the template? Because if yes, i can change there without a problem, just point me where.

Thank you very much!
Is hard coded on the template? Because if yes, i can change there without a problem, just point me where.
I just took a quick look and that text was hard coded text (not phrased). I edited both places that it was hard coded and replaced them with a phrase.

You can temp edit the templates 'xa_ams_article_edit' and 'xa_ams_category_add_article' until the next release that includes the new phrase.

<xf:option value="0" label="No Rating" />

Replace the "No Rating" with your translated text or a temp phrase.